Spinning® Instructor Training
As the worldwide leaders in indoor cycling education and programs, Spinning® is the most recognised indoor cycling program on the planet. Our drive to create great instructors starts with the Spinning Instructor Course. Led by a Spinning® Master Instructor, this comprehensive and inspiring training includes practical and theoretical concepts in:
– Spinner® bike setup and safety principles
– Cycling biomechanics
– Crafting motivating class ride profiles
– Heart Rate Training and the Spinning Energy Zones™
– Coaching and teaching skills
– Visualization techniques to complement the mind/body.
Our Certified Spinning Instructors inspire riders around the world with safe, effective and exciting rides that keep students coming back for more. Get certified today with the world’s #1 indoor cycling program.
The Foundations
It all begins here! Everything you need to learn from bike set up and safety principles to delivering authentic classes is covered in this comprehensive 1 day of training.
Cycling Science
Empower yourself with up to date knowledge in cycling science and biomechanics. Developing a solid education in the effective use of Heart Rate Training and the Spinning® Energy Zones™ will ensure you deliver effective, safe and most of all fun classes.
Bring the Program to life
Learn how to craft motivational class ride profiles with exceptional coaching and teaching skills. Turn your rides into unforgettable experiences for everyone that walks into your cycle room.
Are you ready to change people’s lives?
The Spinning Instructor Training will give you everything you need to stand out in the cycling room as you inspire riders from all fitness levels and backgrounds.
Included in your Registration:
- Digital study guide
- Spinning® Instructor Manual
- Full day training with a Spinning® Master Instructor
- Certificate of Completion awarding 8 CEC’s through AUSactive
- Online certification exam
- Spinning Continuing Education Credits: 8