Rockstar Instructor Training
You don’t want to be just any instructor – you want to be a Rockstar, with participants who come back time after time.
CREATE, LAYER, DELIVER…. 3 essential weapons behind the science and philosophy of the Spinning®️ educational program. Are you ready to take this opportunity to level up, move forward, and be that successful instructor/coach you’ve dreamt of becoming?
This full day of training is not about learning new drills or choreography. This exciting training will help you prepare performance-oriented rides, diversify your teaching language, choose the ultimate music playlists, and learn how to use visuals in your ride. Become the Rockstar you were born to be!

How to be Awesome
Review the components of becoming a great Spinning instructor
Learn the craft
Practical and theoretical concepts of the Spinning program
Be Scientific
The latest exercise science information, and progression in the field of indoor cycling.
Deliever an amazing experince
How to create amazing profiles through layering in motivating elements and delivering exceptional classes.
What’s included in your registration:
- Digital Study Guide
- Pre Course Knowledge Exam
- Rockstar Instructor Manual (both digital & hard copy)
- 1 Day comprehensive training with Spinning® Master Instructor
- Certificate of completion awarding 8 CEC’s through AUSactivty
- Post Course Online Exam
- Spinning Continuing Education Credits: 8